The above image is a view along the trail on Camelback mountain, a Phoenix area landmark which is also next to the town of Paradise Valley where, from June 11-18, 2012 we will host Carol Robert’s Genome Healing Workshop for the first time outside of Australia. Each year roughly 300,000 hikers visit this landmark and make the 1.5 mile trek toward its 2,700 foot summit.
I didn’t make it to the summit. This was only the second time I’ve been to Camelback since I moved here in 2004. With the extra weight of my gear and the need for better physical conditioning, my body quickly let me know that persisting in the ascent on this day would be at my own peril. It’s not that I couldn’t make it, but doing so might have been… to put it delicately, embarrassing.
Not to worry. I wasn’t preparing to compete in an Ironman Triathlon. I simply wanted to acquire some visual images of the area, especially given its proximity to the Workshop venue. However, while easy-to-spot regulars flaunted their fitness by not simply walking, but running up and down the trail, I did come away from the experience with a treasure worth sharing, in the very clear message:
Healing is an act of consciousness.
The proper description for the Genome Healing Workshop is that it is a DNA/Stem Cell Healing Course, based on the fundamental principles of quantum physics and the regeneration techniques introduced by Grigori Grabovoi and Arcady Petrov.
Carol Roberts, herself a pioneer in Thought Field Therapy, Advanced DNA Theta Healing, and was one of the first English-speaking students at Petrov’s Moscow clinic, is building a strong body of real-world, accessible evidence that demonstrates what is possible when consciousness is consciously, and even predominantly part of the healing process. From my day on the mountain I came away feeling that it is the only real factor, with all due respect for MMS, the FDA, and anything else that a doctor might tell you. Any person who thinks a modality is going to supersede what has been created by consciousness, without the willingness of, or a change in consciousness, is looking in the wrong direction. Modalities can help, but they are empowered by acts of consciousness which, in and of themselves, they are not. In and of ourselves, we are.

The night previous to my Camelback journey, Carol sent me the following synopsis following her most recent training seminar just completed in Queensland. I’m including it here in its entirety.
It was absolutely amazing! There were 28 for the 2 days and 13 for the intensive (5 additional days). Every person was able to ‘embody’ their organs and allow them to speak and all said they got incredible insights about what they were creating as well as everyone felt the transformations immediately upon using the techniques. They were all able to help their partners shift deeply held consciousness patterns and many described how amazed they were at what their organs were telling them.
There were a number of instant physical healings as well. One lady who had lost a toe felt new energy up the side of her body and could feel the toe regenerating as we used the stem cell process. One lady who had glasses for 30 years told how she could now read the manual without them as clear as day after a 15 minute process. Another lady also said her eyesight had also greatly improved after one of the processes. Everyone in the intensive course was able to release a whole life time of traumas in one session, and couldn’t believe it could actually be that easy, yet they had experienced it.
There were a number of people who were receiving galactic information. Everyone said that as they connected with themselves, they were connecting more with everyone else as well. The love between everyone was incredible. Some said they were connecting better with their guides and higher selves too. People kept coming up to me and thanking me from the bottom of their hearts, it was beautiful. I should have taken before and after pictures of everyone.
On the last day of the intensive, as we were communicating with our organs, one lady kept getting the urge to communicate with Grigori Grabovoi who came to the group and gave us guidance through her. I haven’t done this in the group before, only privately for myself, but it felt right for this to happen. It was wonderful to hear him talk about how thrilled he is that so many people are finally gaining benefit through his work. He told us that as soon as we intend the healing, it is already done and that he is here to help every one of us.
One of my clients with motor neuron disease, causing her to not be able to eat or drink, only through a tube, can now eat and drink normally. This was after 4 x 1 hour sessions. One person dying in hospital in India had no will to go on and decided she would die there, the next day after the session, she left the hospital and has steadily improved ever since.
Each paragraph above could take us on a journey down new avenues of self-discovery, redefining what is possible along the way. Unlike the typical $cientist that would see an apparent miracle with his own eyes and dismiss it as impossible, we are in the process of redefining what is miraculous.
The Genome Healing Workshop experience will be one where we get together to practice and experience healing acts of consciousness.
Thanks for your nice blog.
I wonder how did Carol take the course in Russia? How can other English speakers do what she has, do they need to hire an interpreter?
You once considered taking courses in Russia yourself, are you still considering it?
Also love Arcady Petrov who triggers degrees of inner knowing about organ regeneration and cellular level healing.
I have one name for you–someone the Russians encountered and had as a prisoner of war–whose life and work trumps all these ‘experiments’ with what he had to teach us: Bruno Groening. Look him up. In fact, I will offer the OFFICIAL site that is the best source (meaning accurate, and Divine–if the word does not daunt you)-http://www.bruno-groening.org/english/default.htm
His life and work has left us with this fact which is developing on this planet: We, human beings, are RETURNING to the Divine Source from which we come. Our reconnection to this source will NOT REQUIRE money or reliance on any EXPERTS. We will simply reconnect to God and be able to HEAL OURSELVES (that means all the regeneration, healing, etc… on EVERY level). This return to our Divine Source as our means of healing through a Spiritual PATH CANNOT be stopped. Bruno Groening said himself: “THERE IS NO INCURABLE!”
The SCIENTIFICALLY VERIFIABLE documentations of these healings continue long after the physical departure of Bruno Groening (because it was about the DIVINE POWER–AND NOT about him as a personality). The Medical Scientific Group (German based acronym-MWF) are having introductory lectures in the Washington DC area June 1-3, 2012.
(Direct link to the Medical Scientific Group: http://www.bruno-groening.org/english/mwf/defaultmwf.htm )
Email me below for more information.
Thank you for this! This is what we’re doing and where we’re going!
I sometimes have a problem seeing the gray on black – just as an aside – I don’t know if WordPress allows you choices of color, i.e., maybe a slightly lighter shade of gray –
I agree, Adam, consciousness is all there is – but the VALUE in MMS, docs and the FDA (holding nose on the last one, here ) – is that people BELIEVE they will be cured by those treatments – and where their belief is, is where their consciousness is – I think with healing, you have to start where people ARE, and then can move them somewhere else – but if they’re not that somewhere else already – the idea can be so threatening that they’ll never make the move. (And they may never make the move, and that’s OK, as long as I have!) I have, for several years, wanted a health toolbox with energy and with “physical” components, both.